So one of the things that often comes between Eric and me is the fact that I've never actually played Planescape: Torment--I've given it a whirl a couple of times and made some progress, but I get too daunted eventually. It's one of those works that's such a huge big deal, you know? But since the last time I tried it, I've played some more CRPGs and gotten a bit better at that kind of third person game--anyway! I've reinstalled the game, and Eric's been itching to do another play, as are a few people I know--so the question is, would anyone be interested in doing some kind of book club type play of the game over the summer? We could either just all blog about it and link each other, or set up a subforum here, do podcasts, something--I just think a lot of people consider it to be one of those games that deserves this attention, and I think we could write some good stuff. I've been dying to do a project like this for a long time--so why not?
Right now I am working on Spellforce and wizardry 8, and I do not consider Gothic II to be abandoned. As soon as I clear out one of them, I will start te Planescape!!!!?!